Controlling EV Charging Using a Smart Switch


If you’re into electric vehicles (EVs), home automation, and saving money, then you’re going to love this. Imagine your EV charger smartly toggling between solar and grid charging based on real-time electricity prices. That’s what the Amber Electric coupled with Home Assistant, can do for you by controlling EV charging using a smart switch. Today, I’m going to break down a Home Assistant automation YAML that turns off your OpenEVSE solar charging when the grid electricity price is dirt-cheap.


Software & Hardware

Simply click here to head over to the previous blog and get started on the setup. Once you’re all set with the software and hardware, come back here to dive into these advanced automations that help you optimize your EV charging costs.


WiFi Switch Recommendations: Why TP-Link HS-110 Stands Out

If you’re in the market for a reliable WiFi switch, my go-to pick is the TP-Link HS-110. What sets this particular switch apart is its built-in current monitoring feature, which opens up a realm of possibilities for additional automations. Its versatility makes it a prime candidate for integrating seamlessly into your existing or future smart home setup.


A Word of Caution: Charging Control for Specific Vehicles

Now, it’s worth mentioning that using a WiFi switch like the TP-Link HS-110 can be a bit aggressive as a charging control method for your EV. For Tesla owners, you’re in luck! There are more nuanced ways to control your charging through Tesla’s API. Check out this blog post for an in-depth guide on API-based Tesla charging.

For non-Tesla vehicles, an excellent alternative is the OpenEVSE charger, which offers similar API-based controls for a tailored charging experience. I’ll be diving into the specifics of OpenEVSE charging in an upcoming blog post, so stay tuned for that!


Upcoming Content

Keep an eye out for my future blog where I’ll dissect the intricacies of API-based charging control with OpenEVSE. It’s a game-changer that adds another layer of sophistication to your EV charging setup.

So, whether you’re a Tesla driver, an OpenEVSE user, or just someone looking to optimize their home automation, there’s plenty to look forward to. Feel free to drop any questions or thoughts, and I’ll be happy to engage.


The Code


alias: "ON: Solar boost mode is on when Amber Price cheap (<10c)"
  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.amber_general_price
    below: 0.1
  - condition: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.amber_general_price
    below: 0.1
  - service: switch.turn_on
    data: {}
      entity_id: switch.ev_charger
mode: single



Wrapping Up


In essence, this automation allows you to controlling EV charging using a smart switch when it’s more cost-efficient to do so. It’s a neat way to get the most bang for your buck while also being eco-friendly when solar power isn’t the cheaper option. So, go ahead, add this automation into your Home Assistant, and let your EV and wallet thank you!

Don’t Forget the Counterpart Automation

But wait, there’s more! While this automation is busy saving you money when electricity prices are low, you’ll also need a counterpart automation to step in when those prices start to climb. This additional automation will shut off the grid charging and swing you back to solar, ensuring that you’re not caught off guard by sudden price surges.


alias: "OFF: Solar boost mode is off when Amber Price expensive (>10c)"
  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.amber_general_price
    above: 0.1
  - condition: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.amber_general_price
    above: 0.1
  - service: switch.turn_on
    data: {}
      entity_id: switch.ev_charger
mode: single


Feel free to hit me up if you’ve got any questions or want to dive deeper into the world of home automation and EVs.


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